07 Febbraio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Ciclo “Byzantine Musical Heritage” (Bologna, 10-12 Febbraio, 2020)
07 Febbraio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Lost voices. The reconstruction of incomplete polyphonic masterpieces between theory and methodology (Padova, 12 febbraio, 2020)
16 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News “Music – Musicology – Interpretation”. XV International Conference of the Department of Musicology (Belgrado, 22-24 ottobre, 2020)
16 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Through the Prism of Chopin: Reimagining the 19th Century. International Chopinological Congress (Call for Papers, Warsaw, 1–4 dicembre, 2020)
16 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Musical Networking in the “long” 19th century (Call for Papers, Zagreb, 15-17 ottobre, 2020)
15 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Duni: A 18th century musician from Matera to the heart of Europe (Call for Papers, 3-5 aprile, 2020)
15 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Bach & Italy (Call for Papers, Torino, 26-28 novembre 2020)
07 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Narrating Musicology. Reviewing the history/histories of musicology. (International Conference of the Institute of Musicology, University of Bern, 1-4 Ottobre, 2020)
02 Gennaio, 2020 in Convegni e Call for papers, Tutte le News Out of Nature. Music between Natural Sound Sources and Acoustic Ecology (Call for Articles, Chigiana, vol. 50, 2020)